

Why Should You Use an Electric Breast Pump?
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Why Should You Use an Electric Breast Pump?
All mothers who have given birth in a hospital know that when preparing for delivery, the nanny will ask, "Do you have an electric breast pump?" Note: not a manual breast pump, but an electr...
Is Manual or Electric Better for Breast Pump?
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Is Manual or Electric Better for Breast Pump?
Many new moms find that after using a breast pump for a while, there is milk residue inside, especially in the rubber ball, and they want to know how to clean the breast pump. Generally, breast pumps ...
The Preservation Time and Method of Breast Milk
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The Preservation Time and Method of Breast Milk
After maternity leave, working women are about to go to work, but the baby still needs breast milk. How can we have the best of both worlds? Working mothers who insist on breastfeeding have encountere...
Key Points of Artificial Feeding and Formula Feeding of Newborn
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Key Points of Artificial Feeding and Formula Feeding of Newborn
Mothers may not be able to breastfeed their children because of inadequate breast milk, the obstructed lactiferous ducts, or a medical condition. Or if the sucking ability of children is weak, they fe...
How to Store Milk in Milk Storage Pouches?
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How to Store Milk in Milk Storage Pouches?
Many people know that milk storage pouches are used to store breast milk for emergency use, but few people know how the milk is stored. For new moms, this can be particularly challenging. As breast mi...
Do Breast Pumps Need to be Disinfected Daily?
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Do Breast Pumps Need to be Disinfected Daily?
A breast pump can help working mothers realize their breastfeeding wishes and also help moms who are separated from their babies due to premature births, neonatal jaundice, aspiration pneumonia, or ot...