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What Causes Physical Discomfort from Breastfeeding?
Misconceptions and doubts about breastfeeding are the main reasons for low breastfeeding rates. To better understand the problems encountered in breastfeeding, let's learn together.Breast engorgem...
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What is the Best Material for Pouches for Breast Milk?
For moms who cannot breastfeed their babies regularly, it is necessary to occasionally store breast milk for the baby to eat. Usually we use a breast pump to store milk, which requires breast milk sto...
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About Little Knowledge of Breast Pumps
One, the history of breastfeeding products pumpsIn June 20, 1854, the US Patent Office issued a patent for a breastfeeding products breast pump. From 1921 to 1923, an engineer and international chess ...
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What Items Should the Mothers of
The full kit for a "breast milk preparing" mom: an electric breast milk pump, overflow pads, and several bottles and storage bags.But how to milk on time? How is the milk preserved? What abo...