
Introduction to the Time and Disinfection Methods of Breast Storage Milk Bags

Oct 07,2023

The material of the breast milk storage bag is mainly polyethylene, also known as PE, which is the most widely used plastic. Some breast storage milk bags are labeled LDPE (low-density polyethylene) or LLDPE (linear low-density polyethylene), which are both types of polyethylene with different densities and structures, but there is not much difference in safety. So, under normal circumstances, how long can breast milk be stored in a storage bag?

The storage time for breast milk in breast storage milk bags

Colostrum (milk expressed within 6 days after delivery): Can be stored for 12 hours at room temperature of 27-32℃.

If it is mature breast milk (expressed milk after 6 days after delivery): Can be stored for 24 hours at room temperature of 15℃; can be stored for 10 hours at room temperature of 19-22℃; can be stored for 6 hours at room temperature of 25℃.

If the breast milk storage bag for breastfeeding products is placed in the refrigerator, the storage time is generally: can be stored for 8 days at refrigerated temperature of 0-4℃; if there is a small freezer compartment inside the refrigerator, the storage period is two weeks; if it is a separate freezer compartment from the refrigerator compartment, but the door is frequently opened to take goods, the storage period is 3-4 months; if it is a deep freeze compartment with a temperature below 0℃ and the door is not frequently opened, the storage period can be more than 6 months. Stored breast milk may decompose and appear slightly blue, yellow, or brown, which is normal.

The sterilization method of breast storage milk bags

How to sterilize breast milk feeding products storage bags? Do breast storage milk bags need to be sterilized? In order to ensure that the baby eats healthily, more and more working moms have joined the ranks of breastfeeding. Working moms use their spare time at work to express milk and store it, and bring it home to feed the baby after work. After absorbing breast milk, it needs to be stored in the refrigerator, otherwise, it will easily spoil. This requires moms to place the expressed breast milk in a special container for storing breast milk. However, before using the breast milk storage bag, a series of sterilization work needs to be performed.

The tools for storing breast milk need to be kept clean and hygienic, otherwise, the baby is prone to get sick from the mouth. The material of the breast milk storage bag is mainly polyethylene, also known as PE, which is the most widely used plastic. Some breast storage milk bags are labeled LDPE (low-density polyethylene) or LLDPE (linear low-density polyethylene), which are both types of polyethylene with different densities and structures, but there is not much difference in safety. Therefore, moms can choose a properly sized and clean and sterile breast milk storage bag for breastfeeding products or use heat-resistant and low-temperature containers that have been steam sterilized, and avoid choosing thin-glass containers to prevent cracking due to freezing. Be sure to clean with hot water and detergent and air dry them before use. It is also important to note that when storing breast milk, do not fill the container to the top and leave an inch of space for the breast milk to expand when frozen.

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