
How to Clean Anti Colic Feeding Bottle?

Sep 09,2022

Ⅰ. The steps to clean the anti-colic feeding bottle

1. Wash the anti-colic feeding bottle immediately after use

Immediately after feeding your baby, take the anti-colic feeding bottle to the sink for a quick rinse, and you can wait to wash it more carefully later when you have time.

However, a quick rinse first can avoid the accumulation of stale milk or dirt in the anti-colic feeding bottle. Try to rinse with hot water to clean the anti-colic feeding bottle more effectively.

2. Prepare proper cleaning tools

Proper utensils go a long way in cleaning anti-colic feeding bottles, including the anti-colic feeding bottle brushes on the bottom and sides of the anti-colic feeding bottles, as well as the nipple brushes for scrubbing rubber nipples, and the anti-colic feeding bottle detergent.

3. Rinse the sink and fill it with soapy water

It's a good idea to wash the sink you're going to use before washing the anti-colic feeding bottle, to remove potential bacteria or chemicals, and scrub the bottom and sides of the sink and around the sink stopper with a sponge or scouring pad and hot water.

If necessary, you can use a little baking soda as a natural disinfectant, wipe down and rinse the sink, and add hot water (as hot as you can feel comfortable with your hands) and dish soap.

4. Remove all parts of the anti-colic feeding bottle and clean them separately

When cleaning an anti-colic feeding bottle, you will need to remove the bottle body, nipple and nipple holder and wash them separately, as a lot of old milk can accumulate between the nipple holder and the nipple, causing bacteria to grow.

Wash each part of the anti-colic feeding bottle separately in hot soapy water, scrub the bottle with a newborn anti-colic feeding bottle brush, and scrub the plastic nipple and nipple seat with a nipple brush.

5. Put the anti-colic feeding bottle in the dishwasher

If the bottle is labeled dishwasher safe, you can do this, place the colic-resistant bottle upside down on the top rack of the dishwasher, away from the heating element, and can buy it at a baby store that is safe to put in the dishwasher. Baskets for pacifiers and pacifier holders for bowl machines.

6. Allow the anti-colic feeding bottle to air dry thoroughly. After cleaning, rinse all parts of the anti-colic feeding bottle under hot tap water to remove any foam or residual soap.

Put these parts on the anti-colic feeding bottle drying rack. Put the anti-colic feeding bottle in a well-ventilated place and allow the water to drain completely. anti-colic feeding bottles that have been in a wet state for a long time can develop mold or fungus.

7. Wash your hands before feeding your baby. After the anti-colic feeding bottle is air-dried, remember to wash your hands with soap and warm water before touching the anti-colic feeding bottle or feeding your baby.

Ⅱ. The anti-colic feeding bottle disinfection steps

1. Understand that sterilization is not necessary after every use of an anti-colic feeding bottle

While parents were once advised to sterilize the anti-colic feeding bottle after each use, this is no longer a necessary step, but it is still necessary to sterilize a new anti-colic feeding bottle for the first time.

2. Use an anti-colic feeding bottle sterilizer

When you need to sterilize an anti-colic feeding bottle, you can use an electronic steam sterilizer or a microwave steam sterilizer. Either way, you need to immerse the anti-colic feeding bottle in steam at 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit) to sterilize.

If using an electronic steam sterilizer, you'll need to add water, put the bottle, nipple, and nipple holder (at a distance), close the lid, plug it in, and turn it on.

As for the microwave steam sterilizer, the process is basically the same, after putting the anti-colic feeding bottle in the sterilizer, put the sterilizer in the microwave and heat it on maximum power for 4 to 8 minutes depending on the wattage of the microwave.

Ⅲ. How to wash anti-colic feeding bottles when traveling

1. If you want to solve the problem of washing anti-colic feeding bottles when you travel, the best way is to be prepared. Carry a small bottle of dishwashing liquid and anti-colic feeding bottle brush with you. When using a disposable milk bag, you only need to bring an anti-colic feeding bottle.

The milk bag can be changed after each feeding, while the neonatal anti-colic feeding bottle only needs to be washed once in the evening, and if you travel where you live with a microwave, bring a portable microwave sterilizer.

2. If you are prepared and bring dish soap and an anti-colic feeding bottle brush, you can wash the anti-colic feeding bottle in any sink. Remember to rinse the sink well first to remove obvious dirt, and after washing the anti-colic feeding bottle, air dry the individual parts on a clean towel.

3. If the water used to wash the anti-colic feeding bottle is not safe to drink, then you also need to sterilize the anti-colic feeding bottle when traveling.

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